Wednesday, 23 October 2013


1 comment:

  1. www. Your presentation on Corby shows evidence for the following level 4 criteria:
    Think carefully about who will view my work (4b) You have indicated audience and purpose in your slides.
    To be able to double check information. (4c/b) You have names the sources of information where text has been used from another website.
    Put together different types of information (4a) You have included text and images in your presentation.
    You have also started to work towards level 5. Employ the use of different software (5c) . Here you have used google Blogger and MS Powerpoint 2010
    EBI. To achieve a level 5, you must show the following:
    Finish the presentation and include further information.
    Be able to make sensible decisions about information accuracy (5a) and comment upon the sources you have used.
    Design things for a specific reason (5a) and be clear about the audience and purpose of your presentation.
